Brandon Boyer

Sauce Obsessive


3D Printing

"A process for making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many successive thin layers of a material "- Oxford Dictionary.

      The most common form of 3D printing is fusion deposition printing. The process heats a material (most commonly ABS or PLA plastic) and deposits it in a thin layer onto a platform via an extrusion nozzle. Functioning similarly to a normal office printer but rather than the head moving only left and right on the "X" axis the head may move forward and backwards as well along the "Z" axis, to build layers on top of previously printed layers either the extrusion nozzle or the build platform move vertically along the "Y" axis.

      As 3D printing becomes more common, printers become cheaper and easier to obtain for the hobbyist. Find value printing, tips tricks, processes and procedures below.  

XYZ Printing Da Vinci 1.0