Approx. 1 month after the last document was discovered, a new package was found. This information would suggest that soon after the passing of their first intern, Cryptopedia would be given a new one. "David Smith", as all available information would suggest, is a rather mundane person. The only aspect in which he exceeds is in how average he is. It would appear he was chosen to assist the group in their new endeavor located near the south hampton pine barrens.
As the group passes over the NY-NJ boarder, it would seem that the air becomes, hazy, discolored, and has an air of garbage-water. The group stops by a WAWA, they seem to think that they are investigating, but it seems much closer to harassing the cashier (Courtknee) is written on her name tag. Davis Smith seems to be attempting to get her to sign a release form, she doesn't sign, but use the footage anyway. They are soon after directed towards a motel and given a flyer off the counter.
The Cryptopedia van pulls into the driveway of the Royal Inn. David and Carl enter. Dave (stone) is seen entering through a window. Re-grouping in room 420 (nice) the group finds that the pamphlet as well as the local paper describe a series of strange pet-related disappearances. Dave (stone) is seen leaving through the window and sneaking off, towards the local sheriff station. He later returns.
As dawn breaks, the group leaves, footage from their dash cam shows them pull into the bugle, the paper is owned by Carlo Figeroa. The team spends an absurd amount of time inside. Dave Stone can be seen in the background sneaking around with a dead bird. He throws it at the window...soon after the rest of the team leaves the bugle.
The team then heads to the sheriff station, and is greeted by one Ms. Candice Webb, and told of deputy Loures. For some reason they leave. It would appear that the group has come upon a map, outlining a series disappearances. They leave quickly, based off the gps data view-able on their dash, it would seem that they are heading down lovers-lane (located near anal alley, finger folley, and BJ road). They pull up to an abandoned car. It is later found to be owned by the daughter of the bugel owner...Carla Fineroa.
they find hear phone, the last tab opened was the camera. A short video shows someone exiting the car at twilight, saying something about an odd noise. The camera suddenly lifts into the air, a scream is heard, and the camera falls back to the ground.